Category Archives: labelling

Non-breaking spaces (sitovat välilyönnit)

When translating or editing product information, one is often asked to use non-breaking spaces(ctrl/shift/space). But where to use them? The answer (or perhaps rather the ‘minimum requirements’) can be found in the EMA document called “Compilation of QRD decisions on stylistic matters in product information“. The following guidance has been copied from it:

  • Degrees: There should be a non-breaking space (ctrl/shift/space) between the figure and the º symbol, and no space between the º symbol and the indicator of scale used; e.g. 10 ºC
  •  Numbers (figures) + unit/symbol: There should be a non-breaking space (ctrl/shift/space) between the figure and the unit or symbol, e.g. 100 ml, > 10, etc.
  • If a space is used between thousands. In Finnish both ways of writing are possible:   1 000,00* or 1000,00 (*non-breaking space (ctrl/shift/space)